1. Replies
    1. Hi Kevin,
      Thanks for commenting :) I am actually just about to make my first come-back post in a while! Afraid I got very sick with meningitis and had to take a break from blogging (more on that in the post). But there are already a bunch of recipes and posts in the pipeline. Hoping to get one up today!

  2. Hallo Dani
    Wie geht es dir? Hoffe du hast dich gut erholt von deiner Meningitis.
    Finde deine Side toll, komme wieder einmal hereinschauen.
    Liebe Grüsse

  3. Freut micht sehr! Ich koche und backe halt mega gern und wollte meine Leidenschaft irgendwie mit andern teilen. :) Meine Schwester hat mir dann geholfen ein Blog aufzustellen. Und danke fürs Nachfrage, mir gehts wieder gut! LG, Dani

  4. Hello Dani,
    It took me awhile to get to your site, but I love all of the recipe's! I'm going to try several of them. Can't wait to see what's coming next. Hope you are doing well. I loved seeing you at Christmas. Take care!
    Laura Rhinehardt

  5. Love your blog, Dani! Hope you're doing well. I'm going to try several recipe's. Great seeing you at Christmas!
    Laura Rhinehardt

  6. Hi Laura,
    Thanks for checking out the blog. It was great to see everyone over Christmas! Hopefully I can come back next year as well. I hope the recipes turned out for you :)
